Saturday 2 January 2016

photos taken:  December 2012

a brief trip around

Alderwood Collegiate Institute on Valermo Drive
and area

on Valermo Drive - the house on the next block to the west.

 looking west down Valermo Drive

the view from "smokers' corner"

this was the parking lot with the football field in the background.  Goal posts are still standing.

smokers' corner at Treeview and Valermo - south-east corner by the cars.

 closer look at "smokers' corner"

front face of the theatre and its two main entrances from the outside.

looking south down Treeview from the parking lot.

view behind the front billboards

 view from the east

east side of the school - library, and woodwork & metalwork shops

1955 - 1983
Alderwood Collegiate Institute
rest in peace

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